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/* VIstd.h
vector management functions for data type "int".
Copyright (c) 1996-1999 by Martin Sander
All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef __VISTD_H
#define __VISTD_H
#if !defined( __VECLIB_H )
#include <VecLib.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*********** Generation of Arrays and Vectors *************************/
iVector __vf VI_vector( ui size );
iVector __vf VI_vector0( ui size );
/*************** Addressing single vector elements ******************/
int _VFAR * VI_Pelement( iVector X, ui n );
/* returns a pointer to the n'th element of X. For the memory model
HUGE, the pointer is normalized. */
#define VI_element( X, n ) (*VI_Pelement( X, n ))
/****************** Initialization ******************************/
void __vf VI_equ0( iVector X, ui size );
void __vf VI_equC( iVector X, ui size, int C );
void __vf VI_equV( iVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
void __vf VIo_ramp( iVector X, ui size, int Start, int Rise );
#ifdef V_trapIntError
#define VI_ramp VIo_ramp
void __vf VI_ramp( iVector X, ui size, int Start, int Rise );
long __vf VI_random( iVector X, ui size, long seed,
int MinVal, int MaxVal ); /* returns new seed */
/************** Data-type interconversions ***************************/
void __vf V_BItoI( iVector Y, biVector X, ui size ); /* up-conversion */
void __vf V_SItoI( iVector Y, siVector X, ui size );
void __vf V_ItoLI( liVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
void __vf V_ItoQI( qiVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
void __vf Vo_ItoU( uVector Y, iVector X, ui size ); /* signed-unsigned */
void __vf Vo_UtoI( iVector Y, uVector X, ui size );
void __vf V_ItoBI( biVector Y, iVector X, ui size ); /* down-conversion */
void __vf Vo_ItoSI( siVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
void __vf Vo_LItoI( iVector Y, liVector X, ui size );
void __vf Vo_QItoI( iVector Y, qiVector X, ui size );
#ifdef V_trapIntError
#define V_ItoU Vo_ItoU
#define V_UtoI Vo_UtoI
#define V_ItoSI Vo_ItoSI
#define V_LItoI Vo_LItoI
#define V_QItoI Vo_QItoI
void __vf V_ItoU( uVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
void __vf V_UtoI( iVector Y, uVector X, ui size );
void __vf V_ItoSI( siVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
void __vf V_LItoI( iVector Y, liVector X, ui size );
void __vf V_QItoI( iVector Y, qiVector X, ui size );
void __vf V_ItoF( fVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
void __vf V_ItoD( dVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
void __vf V_ItoE( eVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
#else /* no 80-bit IEEE reals with Visual C++ */
#define V_ItoE V_ItoD
/************** Index-oriented manipulations ***************************/
void __vf VI_rev( iVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
#ifdef V_HUGE
void __vf VI_rotate( iVector Y, iVector X, ui size, long pos );
void __vf VI_rotate( iVector Y, iVector X, ui size, int pos );
void __vf VI_delete( iVector X, ui size, ui pos );
void __vf VI_insert( iVector X, ui size, ui pos, int C );
void __vf VI_sort( iVector Y, iVector X, ui size, int dir );
void __vf VI_sortind( uiVector Ind, iVector X, ui size, int dir );
void __vf VI_subvector( iVector Y, ui sizey, iVector X, int samp );
void __vf VI_subvector_equC( iVector Y, ui subsz, unsigned samp, int C );
void __vf VI_subvector_equV( iVector Y, ui subsz, unsigned samp, iVector X );
void __vf VI_indpick( iVector Y, uiVector Ind, ui sizey, iVector X );
void __vf VI_indput( iVector Y, iVector X, uiVector Ind, ui sizex );
ui __vf VI_searchC( iVector XTab, ui size, int C, int mode );
void __vf VI_searchV( uiVector Ind, iVector X, ui sizex,
iVector Tab, ui sizetab, int mode );
/******************** One-dimensional Vector Operations ********/
int __vf VIo_sum( iVector X, ui size );
void __vf VIo_runsum( iVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
#ifdef V_trapIntError
#define VI_sum VIo_sum
#define VI_runsum VIo_runsum
int __vf VI_sum( iVector X, ui size );
void __vf VI_runsum( iVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
int __vf VI_max( iVector X, ui size );
int __vf VI_min( iVector X, ui size );
int __vf VI_maxind( ui _VFAR *Ind, iVector X, ui size );
int __vf VI_minind( ui _VFAR *Ind, iVector X, ui size );
void __vf VI_runmax( iVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
void __vf VI_runmin( iVector Y, iVector X, ui size );
double __vf VI_fsum( iVector X, ui size );
double __vf VI_mean( iVector X, ui size );
int __vf VI_iselementC( iVector Tab, ui size, int C );
ui __vf VI_iselementV( iVector Y, iVector X, ui sizex,
iVector Tab, ui sizetab );
/************************ Input / Output ******************************/
void __vf V_ifprint( FILE _VFAR *stream, void _VFAR *X, ui size,
unsigned nperline, unsigned linewidth, unsigned vers );
#define VI_fprint( st, x, sz, npl, lw ) \
V_ifprint( st, (void _VFAR *)(x), sz, npl, lw, 4 )
#if !defined _Windows || defined __FLAT__ || defined _WIN32
void __vf V_icprint( void _VFAR *X, ui size, unsigned nperline, unsigned vers );
#define VI_cprint( x, sz, npl ) V_icprint( (void _VFAR *) (x), sz, npl, 4 )
#define VI_print( x, sz, npl ) \
V_ifprint( stdout, (void _VFAR *)(x), sz, npl, 80, 4 )
void __vf V_setRadix( int radix );
/* radix to be assumed by all whole-number read functions V??_read */
void __vf VI_read( iVector X, ui size, FILE _VFAR *stream );
void __vf VI_write( FILE _VFAR *stream, iVector X, ui size );
void __vf VI_nread( unsigned n, ui size, FILE _VFAR *stream, ... );
void __vf VI_nwrite( FILE _VFAR *stream, unsigned n, ui size, ... );
void __vf VI_setWriteFormat( char _VFAR *FormatString );
/* for VI_write and VI_nwrite */
void __vf VI_setWriteSeparate( char _VFAR *SepString ); /* for VI_write */
void __vf VI_setNWriteSeparate( char _VFAR *SepString ); /* for VI_nwrite */
#ifdef V_HUGE
void __vf VI_store( FILE _VFAR *stream, iVector X, ui size );
void __vf VI_recall( iVector X, ui size, FILE _VFAR *stream );
#ifdef __cplusplus
void inline VI_store( FILE _VFAR *stream, iVector X, ui size )
{ fwrite( X, sizeof(int), size, stream );
void inline VI_recall( iVector X, ui size, FILE _VFAR *stream )
{ fread( X, sizeof(int), size, stream );
#define VI_store( str, X, sz ) \
fwrite( X, sizeof(int), sz, str )
#define VI_recall( X, sz, str ) \
fread( X, sizeof(int), sz, str )
#endif /* VI_store, VI_recall in binary format */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __VISTD_H */